Five Reasons Why You Should Use Clamshell Packaging To Display Intricate Items In Your Store

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Five Reasons Why You Should Use Clamshell Packaging To Display Intricate Items In Your Store

Five Reasons Why You Should Use Clamshell Packaging To Display Intricate Items In Your Store

12 November 2015
, Blog

If you own a small business that specializes in handmade items, you need to be sure that you take the time to package the items properly. Clamshell packaging is a lightweight, easy-to-use packaging option that can be customized to fit any item you want to display in your store perfectly. The following guide walks you through a few reasons why clamshell packaging is such a great choice for displaying your handmade items in your store.

Keep Them Safe

By storing your items in the clamshell packaging, you can ensure that no one can damage them. Displaying jewelry with intricate designs can sometimes be dangerous when little children are around because they can pull on the beads or chains and damage the pieces. By displaying the jewelry in the packaging, children can see the pieces clearly, but cannot actually touch them.

Prevent Theft

A small chip can be added to the inside of the packaging to set off your alarms if someone attempts to steal the item from your store. The chip can be deactivated by sliding it over a specialized sensor at checkout.

Display Valuable Information

Cardboard can be placed inside of the packaging to indicate details about the item, such as the length of chains for necklaces or the material used to create the items on a piece of cardboard. The price can be listed on the cardboard, as well so that no one can attempt to change the price to try to purchase the items for less than they are worth.

Ensure Proper Display

When displaying small items, like jewelry, it is important to make sure that they do not get tangled because it could destroy the chains. The clamshell packaging ensures the items can be displayed on the cardboard and not removed so that they do not become tangled.

Organize in Eye-Catching Way

When you are selling small items, it can be hard to display them in an eye-catching way. By placing the items in the clamshell packaging, you can then hang them from a spinning rack so that they take up less room in your store and are organized in a way that makes it easier for potential buyers to see everything that you have available for them.

Clamshell packaging can be ordered in any size you need to allow you to create the perfect display for the items you plan to sell. You can fill the display boxes yourself to ensure you always have plenty of inventory to display at all times.

About Me
I Never Would Have Guessed

I never really gave much though to where the products in my home come from. That is until I was forced to take a job in a manufacturing plant after being laid off. It was then that I realized just how much work went into the creating the machinery and processes used to make the products that millions of people just like me took for granted everyday. Shortly after I began my job at the manufacturing plant, I was able to find a new job that better fit my skill set and so I left the manufacturing industry behind. However, the impact that this job had on my way of thinking has stuck around ever since. That is why I wanted to start a website dedicated to the manufacturing process so that others could learn to appreciate this process just as I have.
